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Parent Child Relation

Understanding Parent Child Relationship

Parenting is a challenging job and we often hear parents tell us they lack confidence in how they manage some of the challenges. 

We are committed to supporting parents to create a healthy family life for themselves and their children through our parent-child relationship support services.

We will work with you and your child to practice strategies known to enhance the relationship you share. This can lead to improved behaviour, and empower you to apply an effective, consistent approach to parenting.


Parents have the opportunity to learn new skills that can help them become better able to provide a caring, nurturing, and beneficial environment for their child. An ultimate goal of this approach is to help adapt negative behaviors into more positive behavior patterns.

Does Your Child

  • Refuse to follow adult requests
  • Have difficulty regulating emotions
  • Becomes easily frustrated and angry
  • Engage in power struggles
  • Display disruptive behaviors in home / school / or care settings
  • Struggle to connect with either or both parents
  • Consistently argue or demonstrate oppositional traits
  • Are aggressive towards parents / siblings / or other children

When to consider Child Parent Relationship Coaching

You should consider when

  • Feel like you have lost control as a parent
  • Find yourself yelling at your child often
  • Feel you have lost touch with your child
  • Do not feel as close as you would like
  • Feel frustrated at your lack of results
  • Say or do things that you later regret

How It Helps Parents

  • Gain a greater understanding and acceptance of your children
  • Be better communicators with your children
  • Help your children to develop better self-control
  • Be more effective at discipline and setting limits
  • Regain the control you need to parent effectively

Lets Build Confidence through Coaching

You are the most important person in your child’s life and it makes sense you need to feel confident as you apply the changes you want to see within your family. Parent coaching provides opportunities to practice using strategies we have discussed so you are capable of dealing with challenges that might arise along the way.